
The Monster’s Ball: Swing Dancing at the Barricades by Bill Buppert

The monster hesitates in DC when the police imperium in the former swamp now known as DC finds its Praetorians choosing restraint over domination when the subjects of the tax jurisdiction known as the United States remove barricades from an open memorial to American planetary predation to deposit them at the fencing around the White

The Monster’s Ball: Swing Dancing at the Barricades by Bill Buppert Read More »

The Fireworks Smuggler: Keeping the Spirit of ’76 Alive by Chris Dates

“Make no mistake, when you cheer for the people of the American Revolution, you are cheering for traitors and criminals. They broke the law, because freedom is always illegal.” – Larken Rose It is truly something that is worth celebrating. While the masses of people in this country are lost in a sea of red,

The Fireworks Smuggler: Keeping the Spirit of ’76 Alive by Chris Dates Read More »

Guest Post: Pulling Out the Big Guns Against Gun Control! by Steve Korenek

Pulling out the Big Guns Against Gun Control! The International Micro-Managers of the world (whoever they are) know one thing and know it well. Gun Control is people control; and social engineering of diabolical proportions. The Rothschild money master once mused that the early British Empire on which the sun never set was indeed controlled

Guest Post: Pulling Out the Big Guns Against Gun Control! by Steve Korenek Read More »

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