
Concession is Non-Negotiable: Voting is Moral Vandalism by Bill Buppert

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” – Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin “Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.” – H.L. Mencken Voting is a primary tool for tyrants, they need the blame shifted from themselves to the willing accomplices in the population for the crimes

Concession is Non-Negotiable: Voting is Moral Vandalism by Bill Buppert Read More »

“Fuck You, That’s Why”: A New American Chapter by Bill Buppert

I’d like to suggest the soundtrack for the new America that is emerging. BFYTW. I’ve covered my thoughts on rule of law, obedience and refusal unto death to not comply. These are the building blocks to create systems that stymie the political control of human beings. My interest in politics is always a matter of

“Fuck You, That’s Why”: A New American Chapter by Bill Buppert Read More »

Defeating Doomsday Derp: Tactical Tidbits for Threepers by John Meyers

Publisher’s Note: Like John, I too have evolved beyond the Threeper parchment worship and infighting that pits various factions within in eternal handbag fights. Even the late Mel Tappan would be embarrassed by the equipage and carriage of the incipient insurgents. I would like to add that when it comes to pistol carriage, carry it

Defeating Doomsday Derp: Tactical Tidbits for Threepers by John Meyers Read More »

Village Praxis: Controlled Pairs vs NSRs by John Meyers

Publisher’s Note: The approaching Endarkenment continues to rotate America around the drain of history rapidly careening toward dissolution and possible civil war. You can have all the kit you can afford but if you can’t wield it effectively, it’s worthless and simply will provide new kit for the better trained predator that takes it from

Village Praxis: Controlled Pairs vs NSRs by John Meyers Read More »

Forever Wars and Armed American Government Supremacism by Bill Buppert

“War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense.” -Randolph Bourne Technically, ever since the shots heard round the world when the British colonials

Forever Wars and Armed American Government Supremacism by Bill Buppert Read More »

Village Praxis: Non-Discreet Body Armor by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: “Alex, I’ll take Sweet Meteor of Death and Cthulhu for 2016, please. At least as candidates, they’re honest.” Time to tend to your G3: guns, gold and groceries. The perfect storm of the Offal Office taking the next step in genocidal psychosis and forcing the ingress nation-wide of literally thousands of ISIS militants

Village Praxis: Non-Discreet Body Armor by Bill Buppert Read More »

Punish and Suppress: Police Unions are the New Red Army by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: I’ve been on vacation and many thanks to Skip for stepping up with his illuminating posts. I continue to be amused at the media circus surrounding the sound, fury and misdirection of the apex predators and violence brokers grasping for the keys to the Offal Office once the first black female Rezident relinquishes

Punish and Suppress: Police Unions are the New Red Army by Bill Buppert Read More »

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