
Curbing Leviathan Series: Electronic Leashes and The State by Bill Buppert

    This is the first in an itinerant series of essays to put practical effects to resistance in the coming bad times. Reader contributions welcome. -BB   [Great note from Ben Stone, the Bad Quaker: One of my listeners has an off shore company that runs a private network. I have a device (Samsung

Curbing Leviathan Series: Electronic Leashes and The State by Bill Buppert Read More »

The Terrorists Won (Not Those Terrorists) by Bill Buppert

Yet another indication that the Regime and its subsidiary political apparatchiks in the various localities across the US are becoming nothing more than legions of auxiliaries to the Federal law enforcement leviathan. The Torrance, CA cop (I will bet dollars to donuts he is an overweight human), Brian McGee, has been cleared after ramming a

The Terrorists Won (Not Those Terrorists) by Bill Buppert Read More »

Luttrell Gets His Gun: The Tragedy of Armed Busybodies by Bill Buppert

I just saw Lone Survivor with Mark Wahlberg loosely based on the book by Luttrell, the title character and least injured of the four-man crew haplessly and uselessly brutalized and sacrificed in the Afghan hinterlands in 2005 for yet another American neo-imperialist briar patch. As all autobiography is essentially fiction, realized as an heroic paean

Luttrell Gets His Gun: The Tragedy of Armed Busybodies by Bill Buppert Read More »

How to Eradicate Slavery in Your Life, Now and Forever by Jim Klein

Publisher’s Note: Jim has been a friend and correspondent of this blog since its inception and his philosophical ruminations have had a tremendous influence on me. He was kind of enough to pen this gem, Enjoy. -BB What is slavery?  Let’s not get distracted with convoluted definitions.  At essence, slavery is the forceful (aggressive, compulsory,

How to Eradicate Slavery in Your Life, Now and Forever by Jim Klein Read More »

Stop the Stop Sign: Traffic Enforcement and Imperial Conditioning by Bill Buppert

  I hate and despise stop signs in America and the indiscriminate and totally ineffective placement thereof throughout the US arterial systems for vehicles. I am a big fan of yield signs and roundabouts and fascinated by some of the Netherlands experiments in removing all road signage completely. That just so happens to be the

Stop the Stop Sign: Traffic Enforcement and Imperial Conditioning by Bill Buppert Read More »

The Ultra-Constitutional Constitution Means Exactly What the Rulers Say it Means by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: I am presently on recce in the Deep Pacific exploring the expat opportunities for leaving the USSA since my return from Afghanistan and will return to Amerika briefly before settling our affairs and departing for a much longer sojourn abroad. My posts will be even more sparse than usual. –BB “But whether the

The Ultra-Constitutional Constitution Means Exactly What the Rulers Say it Means by Bill Buppert Read More »

Is Slavery All That Bad? by Bill Buppert

  The pillars of the abolitionist community in the US and the world are deceptively simple and not much different from the anarcho-capitalist community with minor variations. The philosophical precepts do not require the enormous gyrations, intellectual sleight-of-hand and economic illiteracy that seems necessary to justify the collectivist regimes ranging from communism to socialism to

Is Slavery All That Bad? by Bill Buppert Read More »

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