
Village Praxis: Man-Skills and Basic Tools by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: You are reading a pre-Samizdat publication the Department of Fatherland Security says is an example of a “non-violent dissenter” in the USSA. There is a reason the government has a vested interested in controlling and monetizing all “education” in America K-PhD. This is why you see so many urban hives using a pre-fabricated […]

Village Praxis: Man-Skills and Basic Tools by Bill Buppert Read More »

RINO! The Grand Old Politburo and the Leviathan State by Bill Buppert

“We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority. If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.” – Karl Marx, Address of the International Working Men’s Association to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States

RINO! The Grand Old Politburo and the Leviathan State by Bill Buppert Read More »

Kill the Second Amendment: Let’s Get This Party Started! by Bill Buppert

“Mountainous terrain held by riflemen who know what they are about cannot be militarily defeated”. Buppert’s Law of Military Topography Vegas shooting… Too early to speculate on anything but one thing. Many of the injuries sustained in the aftermath of the shooter’s demise on a floor of a Vegas hotel will be non-gunshot wound related.

Kill the Second Amendment: Let’s Get This Party Started! by Bill Buppert Read More »

Village Praxis: Mountain Guerrilla Clandestine Carry Pistol AAR by John Meyers

Publisher’s Note: John just attended MG’s class. Here is his assessment. -BB Instructor: John Mosby Course outline from site: “Focused on the use of the pistol for the underground, this course focuses on basic gun-handling under combative conditions, as well as the necessary mental and combative skills needed to protect the gun, and fight your

Village Praxis: Mountain Guerrilla Clandestine Carry Pistol AAR by John Meyers Read More »

Village Praxis: Soldiers Load Indeed, Some Training Considerations by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: I am currently OCONUS and return mid-month August and my writing pace for the blog has bogged down again.  A brief mention of the pearl clutching by the usual defense intellectuals pimping for more money to combat the IRBM/ICBM threat of Hil-Jong-un’s poor relation in North Korea (nK). Not a threat and never

Village Praxis: Soldiers Load Indeed, Some Training Considerations by Bill Buppert Read More »

Village Praxis: USSOCOM Reading List 2017 (Edited) by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: The services and US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) issue these lists on an annual basis to the increasingly distracted and non-reading officer corps in all the services in the US. It’s good to see the recognition that chaos and complexity theory are having an impact on the warrior tradecraft. Taleb’s Incerto books on

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