“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.”
– H.L. Mencken
“Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
“Eve: All this riot and uproar, V… is this Anarchy? Is this the Land of Do-As-You-Please?
V: No. This is only the land of take-what-you-want. Anarchy means “without leaders”, not “without order”. With anarchy comes an age or ordnung, of true order, which is to say voluntary order… this age of ordung will begin when the mad and incoherent cycle of verwirrung that these bulletins reveal has run its course… This is not anarchy, Eve. This is chaos.”
– Alan Moore, V for Vendetta
Why does this site exist and what will you get out of it?
Every blog is something of a vanity project and a catharsis for thinking out loud and this suits both for me. Aside from writing a book, a blog is a legacy that may last far longer than I do. Nothing really disappears from the Internet and I am certain there are folks in the government who are always interested in maintaining a watchful eye on blogs such as mine because they represent the most direct philosophical threat to their very existence.
My son discovered while he was dating a girl in the Dakota oilfields that DHS uses me as an example of a non-violent dissenter in the US. The young lady had aspirations to be a coproach and was taking a training seminar sponsored by DHS. Bully for me.
In an earlier phase of my intellectual development, I had been seduced by the heady siren song of limiting government which sounds like the most viable solution but on closer examination is the most silly and shallow of chimeras. There is no historical precedent in the Western world throughout its entire history of a government birthing from or calving off another or rising out of the ashes of extinction of the previous regime and containing themselves within the confines of power originally set forth at their germination.
There are plenty of empty promises and proclamations of purity but the usual suspects will be self-selected to seek to rule others; most of whom are socio- or psycho-pathic. Politics is nothing more than the nationalization of human transactions where the converse is the complete privatization of the planet; the latter is the charter of this blog. Nationalization is the government seizure (there is no polite term) of a product, service or behavior. This can happen with something as mundane as the circumference of grapefruit to something as epic in scope as the forfeiture of health care or the use of the innumerable malum prohibitum laws on the books.
For those who take a longer view of history, it becomes abundantly clear that governments in their life stages until their eventual deaths which are inevitable rarely seem to calculate second- and third-order effects of their meta-behaviors. I always presume that while good intentions may be the standard apologia for the lion’s share of government action and behavior, this is simply an intellectual smokescreen with the same vapidity of hate crimes, hiding what is the nature of government which is the threat or use of violence against anyone or anything which either refuses to comply or pay the assessed tribute.
One should never measure a government’s behavior by its intent but the fruits of its actions. And that is bitter fruit indeed for the totality of human history. It is almost as if we have been in a fever-dream surrounded by inmates in a vast prison state which has effectively through indoctrination trained people to consciously think that harming others through fining, jailing, maiming and killing is the only blueprint for any possible society. Think of that, a near consensus among thinking human beings that the only way to organize a just society is through terror. Terrorism is the use of politically motivated violence against non-combatants or innocents in a kinder parlance. One might say that the Global War on Terror or OCO or whatever new name has been applied to the 200 year war on the world America has waged has exponentially increased the size of government has been pointed in the wrong direction.
We have friends and relations who enjoy boasting of law and order. The tough guys who pronounce that the latest coproach beating was warranted and the prison rape the men will endure while caged for their sentence is perfectly justified for their crimes even if the offense were as banal as a paperwork violation, avoidance of taxes or an infraction against the tens of thousands of law no normal human could comprehend much less have an awareness of.
Remember that it is all about the law and not the human context because context is totally absent from government calculus. It is part of its power. I have mentioned before that every American is subject to indefinite detention in the “just-us” system the Federal government and its subsidiary political elements known as states have erected. It is another tool in the arsenal of democracy that is the fancy name for mob rule subject to the kakocrats at the top of the system.
The government has been successful beyond their wildest expectations in creating a captive and occupied population from which they derive both their material succor and the sophisticated means to bully and control tens of millions of humans. The government must erect these officious and brutal means of suppression otherwise the small percentage of liberty minded folks who chafe at living on a feedlot and having their lives micromanaged would set a very bad example for the rest who would take notice of the people who elect not to abide by the system. As with the likelihood of secession looming ever brighter, once the first person is allowed to opt out of the government confines, a stampede will commence that will be unstoppable. This is why the IRS is invested with such formidable power to fine and cage recalcitrant taxpayers.
America has conducted a brilliant government campaign to put the state at the top tier of idolatry and the family and individual volition at the bottom. This has been a two-tiered assault. The government makes it very inconvenient to fight its depredations as an individual and ensures that the education system is kept in a tight orbit around government supremacism. Most of my readers have attended some college and have seen first-hand the absolute monopoly of the government supremacist mindset among faculty, administration and student alike.
The emergence of the brain-dead commies disguised as Antifa only prove the notion. Socialism hides the gun and the communists aren’t afraid to brandish it figuratively and literally.
When one suggests that non-violence may be a preferable building system for a peaceful society instead of the enslavement of government, one is almost universally scorned. Is it not interesting that all the fevered anti-war rhetoric from the “left” disappeared once the Obamunists occupied the Offal Office and then once The Amphibian entered the swamp this year, his bombing of Syria and saber-rattling have been met with fawning praise from the state stenographers in the media.
The collectivism permeates the American academy with very little exception and this from doyens in the humanities and social “sciences” whose jobs may belabor 8-12 hours per week unless they have paid teaching assistants available. The rest of the time certainly is not used to practice critical thinking but to sharpen the same weak-minded rationalizations of the university (you’ll note is isn’t a heteroversity) to justify the ultimate goal of extinguishing every private aspect of human life. They prettily dress the rhetoric in high-minded humanitarian goals but in the end they are the intellectual equivalents of prison guards in their moral imaginations. There’s reason most of the university scum despise the private ownership of weapons but remain mum on a state armed with the latest tools to extinguish other human beings.
And then we have the mooing and mewling from certain sections of the feedlot about the sacred Constitution and returning to our roots to regain our liberties. Fat chance since the germination of that document gave us the leviathan we labor under today.
Here is a thought experiment for you: the next time you have a convivial discussion of politics or society with your friends and family, tell them to see if they are capable of conducting the discussion without advocating the initiation of violence on their fellow humans. See if the conversation about politics will in any fashion examine alternatives to inherent violence and compulsion.
While I despise the false front of Left and Right which are simply degrees of collectivism, you will notice that even the “peace” advocates tend to embrace the use of force domestically and the “hawks” tend to glory in the killing of humans around the globe. Yet, it is hard to distinguish between them anymore especially since the latest occupant of the Offal Office, despite a rather comical Leftish pedigree, is indistinguishable in his actions from his neoconservative/socialist predecessor. The government program of indoctrination has been so thorough that most will be speechless and unable to communicate because government is not about the noble ideas of securing rights or ensuring liberty but the cardinal opposite. In its most naked and unadorned form, it is simply a cop. Invested with all we have come to expect from that particular class: a base viciousness with no limit whatsoever in the ability to cage, maim and kill for crimes that would not exist within the realm of common sense or decency. Killing in the name of love, indeed.
I plan on embarking on a quixotic and scintillating quest in the near future to explicate why cooperation and non-violence (except in response to initiated violence) are the preferable and virtuous way to order a society. This may be a Sisyphean task but a necessary one. We owe it to our children to offer a better future and not a more comfortable (for now) prison cell.
Oh, yes, taxation is theft.
“A government that can at pleasure accuse, shoot, and hang men, as traitors, for the one general offence of refusing to surrender themselves and their property unreservedly to its arbitrary will, can practice any and all special and particular oppressions it pleases. The result — and a natural one — has been that we have had governments, State and national, devoted to nearly every grade and species of crime that governments have ever practised upon their victims; and these crimes have culminated in a war that has cost a million of lives; a war carried on, upon one side, for chattel slavery, and on the other for political slavery; upon neither for liberty, justice, or truth. And these crimes have been committed, and this war waged, by men, and the descendants of men, who, less than a hundred years ago, said that all men were equal, and could owe neither service to individuals, nor allegiance to governments, except with their own consent.”
– Lysander Spooner
Non-violent dissenter.
BB, they got that part right, at least.
“The state remains, as it was in the beginning, the common enemy of all well-disposed,
industrious and decent men.”
— H. L. Mencken
Some things will never change, Bill….
it would be educational to know how your son discovered your ‘official’ status as a non-violent dissenter.
At the DHS presentation, they had a list of examples among which ZeroGov and me were included.
I am no longer American samizdat.
“To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propaganda of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson
“You have to make the rules, not follow them.” – Isaac Newton
I am a high school grad and have participated in the school of hard knocks for about 65 years. I have been persecuted by the abortion that our government has become for most of those 65 years and have decided that you are absolutely right in your assessment of government as a meaningful institution as it is practiced today. I believe that the 7th amendment is the only possible chance we have to avert a total disaster in this country. We must get law enforcement and the Judicial System under control before the eat us all and maybe rotating citizen juries would control the corruption that has grown up in an environment that is a perfect recipe for the corruption of power.. I believe that the fifth, sixth, and seventh amendments do establish a forth branch of government that would be controlled by the people where I believe the control must come from. Whether the people who have come out of our present universities have the ability or common sense to rule themselves is another issue altogether.
I am not an economist but the concept that the federal government allowing the federal reserve private bankers to create money and then lend the money to the federal government so the taxpayers can pay interest on something that didn’t exist cannot even make sense to an economist. I have been told all of my life that the process described is a necessary way to insert money into the economy but common sense and the school of hard knocks tells me that is the most insane idea ever conceived by man. If the government needs to put money into the economy to make it work, which may be true, then create money(the government is the only one who has been given that lawful authority) and distribute it through the social security administration to the people who will spend it into the economy. Giving it to bankers and then borrowing it back from them is insanity and we have been doing it for over 100 years..
Eugene, just who or what gave the non-voluntary government ANY legitimate authority over the lives and property of anyone, anywhere? You can grant them that authority over yourself, but nobody can grant it for someone else. Have you read Lysander Spooner? Here is a good place to start: https://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/www/spooner/NoTreason/
“I plan on embarking on a quixotic and scintillating quest in the near future to explicate why cooperation and non-violence (except in response to initiated violence) are the preferable and virtuous way to order a society.” Larken Rose is embarking on the same quest. He is currently working on a software program called “The Mirror” which will ask questions and show the result of the person’s actions.
Pingback: Buppert: Why I Fight For A World Without A State | Western Rifle Shooters Association
The difficulty is that the nonviolent will always be at the mercy of the violent.
Some group is always willing to use coercion or theft to impost its will. That will end being up your “government” unless you are willing to risk yourself and do violence yourself or even steal back your stuff or otherwise make their efforts counterproductive.
Utopias are easy when there are no evil people. And when you come from a culture and race that has developed the ideas of liberty and rights over centuries.
Lysander Spooner never signed onto the Constitution, but I have never signed on to the NAP or UPB. If you would enforce the latter against my will, how does it differ?
But that culture is also called Christendom, and I think I can make a case if tax collectors are intrinsically thieves (as opposed to collecting more than their share as Zacceus did BC), then they can and should burn in hell for all eternity which might make them stop. But I cannot make that same case as an atheist. If this world is all there is and there is nothing like karma, Hades, or the Furies, getting away with things becomes an economic calculation. Even if everyone is better off overall with liberty, those who are better off by becoming the robbers and thieves will want to push their advantage.
While I can appreciate the non-violent approach – that is the only thing acceptable in pro-life circles among 60 million dead babies – how strong are your principles on liberty? Normally you defend what you love and believe in. If it came to civil war, would you fight or be a free rider, expecting the liberty to be given you although you didn’t put your own life, limited liberty, or property on the line to win? Do you simply expect to enjoy the fruits of what others need to give their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to obtain? If so, are you not worse than your detractors in that you would steal liberty itself from those who through very hard labor obtain it?
TZ, you seem very confused on a number of issues here.
1. Non aggression is NOT “non-violence.” Two very different things. Those who live by NAP do not INITIATE force, but are very ready to use whatever violence is required for defense, of self and others. And that is the answer to your first question here… free men and women, those who defend themselves, working voluntarily with others for mutual defense, will have the best chance to survive. Yes, there will always be some who are evil, but the answer is not to allow them to rule.
2. Nobody who lives by the NAP will ever attempt to force it on you like some sort of religion… If, however, you attack someone, your agreement or disagreement with the NAP will be completely irrelevant, since you would then be the aggressor.
3. Christianity is irrelevant here, simply because people of all kinds and creeds have an unalienable right to defend themselves by whatever means is necessary. But each individual must choose for themselves whether or not to accept and exercise this basic responsibility for their own lives and families, let alone for the sake of others. Some “christians” do, and some do not. Same for everyone else.
4. Utopia is not an option. Freedom is messy, unpredictable, and there are no guarantees. And anyone who thinks they will be a “free rider” in this has much to learn.
Perhaps it is time for each person to mind their own business, make their own decisions and choices about everything, and be responsible personally for the consequences of those choices.
The problem lies in the false belief that “other people,” especially the non-voluntary government, has some special/sacred “authority” to manage our lives and choices. Get rid of the bogus “authority,” get people to give up that state religion, and the problem becomes one of personal responsibility and integrity. The aggressors and fraudsters then will face the business end of the guns… at least for a little while.TZ, you seem very confused on a number of issues here.
1. Non aggression is NOT “non-violence.” Two very different things. Those who live by NAP do not INITIATE force, but are very ready to use whatever violence is required for defense, of self and others. And that is the answer to your first question here… free men and women, those who defend themselves, working voluntarily with others for mutual defense, will have the best chance to survive. Yes, there will always be some who are evil, but the answer is not to allow them to rule.
2. Nobody who lives by the NAP will ever attempt to force it on you like some sort of religion… If, however, you attack someone, your agreement or disagreement with the NAP will be completely irrelevant, since you would then be the aggressor.
3. Christianity is irrelevant here, simply because people of all kinds and creeds have an unalienable right to defend themselves by whatever means is necessary. But each individual must choose for themselves whether or not to accept and exercise this basic responsibility for their own lives and families, let alone for the sake of others. Some “christians” do, and some do not. Same for everyone else.
4. Utopia is not an option. Freedom is messy, unpredictable, and there are no guarantees. And anyone who thinks they will be a “free rider” in this has much to learn.
Perhaps it is time for each person to mind their own business, make their own decisions and choices about everything, and be responsible personally for the consequences of those choices.
The problem lies in the false belief that “other people,” especially the non-voluntary government, has some special/sacred “authority” to manage our lives and choices. Get rid of the bogus “authority,” get people to give up that state religion, and the problem becomes one of personal responsibility and integrity. The aggressors and fraudsters then will face the business end of the guns… at least for a little while.
It is no easier to steal liberty than it is to steal gravity.
Well it took awhile for the concept of Liberty to become an action by a plurality of people.
Maybe Zero Government is just the next stage in the evolution of primal Liberty.
After all, the idea of Liberty didn’t exist as something that produced tangible things till a lot of people had the audacity to fight and die for it.
Then a LOT more people in the Southern realm of the dirt people tried to make one remove from the tyranny that adjusted itself to the birth of Liberty happen. A remove that has never ended, it has just been simmering along while tyranny is still fighting against the remove.
But, yet, the remove has spread out, it is much more nebulous and has a grass roots nature that involves people from a myriad of locations and stations in life.
And maybe, all this is really an evolutionary more than a revolutionary thing. Not for nothing, Zero Gov probably isn’t going to suddenly become reality, the point of that being, this stuff comes in stages, but inexorably, the audacity and motive power, the primal moral imperative of Liberty keeps on trucking, and it wears out tyranny in its own right eventually.
It happened before, that “5000 Year Leap”, and tyranny by no means has any monopoly, because the idea, tangible things, people, hearts and minds, of Liberty do exist and always have an insurgent component.
Like totalitarianism, it isn’t total, it doesn’t have an iron grip and rules totally by jackboot, not from where I’m sitting writing this.
Sure it’s insidious, but by no means am I a slave to the state. And there’s more guys like me, I’m not the only one who says BFTW. Others may be slaves, tacit or otherwise, but speaking for myself, no, not even close.
Sure I put up with some government and corporate imposed tyranny, but that too, is a choice I make for certain reasons, which in the long run I chose because I intend to live another day so I can resist and defy tyranny another day. Because resistance is fertile. And one day I hope that maybe there’s enough like me who make up a plurality that is tireless, indomitable, that we make our stand, because just existing is the existential thing to tyranny.
So yeah, maybe it is time malum prohibitum, Writs of Attainder, and administrative tyranny, (centralism), get the ass whooping it deserves in the form of withdrawal of consent of that magic number of a plurality of people, aka preference cascade, that spells R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N. Be it color, or violent in nature, Because something is cooking out in flyover country, Deplorable’s and dirt people everywhere have had just about enough of this fucking joke of a “government” and the happy horse shit it serves up daily, never mind the clowns inside it and outside it running things.
Me, I think the jig is up. It’s only a matter of when enough of us wrench the levers of power out of the hands of the fuckers hacking away at the tree of Liberty, and at that point, they begin to fold, a trait the sonsofabitches all thankfully share in common.
I really really hope i get to see it happen. Even better be a part of it.
At the end of the day, nothing would be more gratifying, nothing I think could equal the release of joy and happiness it will cause across this place we call home.
There’s a zeitgeist, it’s getting to the point the zeitgeist needs a release.
So yeah Bill, there’s every reason to fight, to never say die, never bend a knee, resistance is never futile, to let the fuckers know, Because Fuck You That’s Why.
Only the State can guarantee law, order and rights. I read once that at the height of the Roman Empire a Roman Citizen could walk unmolested in any part of the Empire due to the dire consequences on any who would molest one of it’s Citizens.
The Anarchist’s dream is just that, a dream. On par with Utopian Communism.
The problem is organizing the State to ensure those rights without it devolving into a tyranny.
I suppose National Socialist Germany came the closest. ..
“The Anarchist’s dream is just that, a dream.”
And democracy is a nightmare.
Make your choice.
Just don’t make a religion out of it. There is good and there is evil. Anybody that won’t believe it is screwed coming out the gate.
Liberty will arrive the week anarchists stop accepting government by their immediate family members.
Walter Mitty: Only the State can guarantee law, order and rights.
And the senseless beatings, caging, murder and theft to the herd when you forget you are property of that ‘state’ you seem to fellate so heartily.
Oh, and Bill can you see if I’ve risen to the level of a fifth rate mention on the list, it truly would be an honor if those sick fucktards would rate me a little fly in their ointment.
Taxation is Theft.
It’s actually slavery but I like to be nice once in a while.
It’s all slavery since there’s no persuasion or consent involved, only guns and cages. Personally I think “extortion” is the most precise classification for taxation. Plus that leaves intellectuals room to debate whether or not extortion is an instance of theft. Happily though, it’s only the slaves’ opinions that count.
The notion of “rights” is a purely human construct. No rights exist except those that you are willing and able to defend with violence.
As an anarchist, I wholeheartedly believe in ONE right, and that is the right to be left alone. PERIOD
Civil societies generate from this notion.
Slave states exist when this notion is disavowed.
Bill and I had scores of hours discussing this very ideal. I had to admit to him one day that after 8 years of intensive study and intellectual exploration among all sides and views, I came up with the first lessons my mother taught me as a child.
Don’t hit and don’t steal.
It’s as simple as that.
-Cumberland minuteman
“Don’t hit, don’t steal”. Words to live by.
Dirk Williams