
Village Praxis: Resistance is Fertile by Bill Buppert

  Publisher’s Note: I have nearly completed the Glock fleet upgrade with some exceptions like the addition of maritime cups, which I am debating. I’ve recently repurposed 2x Keurig cup holders (drawers) for Glock barrels and gunsmithing paraphernalia in my safe. I’ve also found that I can use fountain pen boxes for holding barrels in

Village Praxis: Resistance is Fertile by Bill Buppert Read More »

Defeating Doomsday Derp: Tactical Tidbits for Threepers Reloaded by John Meyers

“Surround yourself with cultures that challenge your pursuit of excellence and be cautious of groupthink and complacency.” – Aaron Barruga, Guerrilla Approach. Part One. Part Two. Part Three. I originally penned the majority of this on 03NOV2017, the eve of the supposed nationwide Antifa insurgency to take down Herr Trump’s regime. What better time? Many

Defeating Doomsday Derp: Tactical Tidbits for Threepers Reloaded by John Meyers Read More »

Village Praxis: Chainsaws for the Homestead by John Meyers

Publisher’s Note: The Antifa festivities the MSM hinted at never transpired on Saturday, 4NOV17 but a young male did commit murderous mayhem at a church. You’ll notice that all the mass shootings this year have occurred at venues in which the demographic was distinctly rural in nature meaning conservative residuals. As soon as the first

Village Praxis: Chainsaws for the Homestead by John Meyers Read More »

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