
Abbey’s Road: Monkey-wrenching the State [Revisited] by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: The cavalcade of calamities that is the Democrat Party was on full display this week with the acquittal of the Mango Emperor on the trumped-up charges alleged by the psychopaths in the CPUSA. The Iowa debacle was a shot in the arm for those of us convinced a political party couldn’t run a

Abbey’s Road: Monkey-wrenching the State [Revisited] by Bill Buppert Read More »

History’s Most Expensive Paper Tiger by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note: I have said that a complete elimination of all government funding K-PhD is the only way to eradicate communist ideology being the ascendant creed in the 21st century.  Now Project Veritas has found more of the usual ideological thuggery that is the bread and butter of American politics among Comrade Sanders’ campaign staff.

History’s Most Expensive Paper Tiger by Bill Buppert Read More »

Book Review: The Guerrilla Gunfighter Volume 2: Preparedness Rifle and Carbine (With Notes on the Virginia Gun Festivities) by John Meyers

Publisher’s Note: As John avers in his excellent review below, the Virginia kerfuffle will be much ado about nothing in January 2020. Non-compliance with existing law is legion in the inland West of the USSA and even the Sovietized states like CT and NY have seen very little compliance with pants-wetting weapons prohibition laws and

Book Review: The Guerrilla Gunfighter Volume 2: Preparedness Rifle and Carbine (With Notes on the Virginia Gun Festivities) by John Meyers Read More »

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