DFML: Library for the End of the World

In Pournelle and Niven’s book, Lucifer’s Hammer, one of the best end of the world books written he introduces the mild-mannered character of astrophysicist Dan Forrester who puts together a library to rebuild civilization after the comet decimates the planet. Whether the USSA perishes from a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or economic collapse, the end is nigh and a large part of good luck is meticulous planning. I recommend that you also check out the website here. -BB

Bucket # 1

Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers, Frederick S. Merritt, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill 1976

Tubular Steel Structures: Theory & Design, M.S. Troitsky, Arc Welding Foundation, 1982

Design of Welded Structures, O.W. Blodgett, Arc Welding Foundation, 1966

The Engineer’s Handbook Illustrated, Arthur Liebers, Key Publishing, NY, 1968

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual, EPA, 2002

Smoleys Parallel Tables of Logarithms & Squares for Engineers, Architects and Students, C.P. Smoley, 1965

Bucket # 2

Gear Cutting Practice: Methods of Producing Gears for Commercial Use Including Wartime Data Supplement, Fred Colvin & Frank Stanley, McGraw-Hill, 1943

Punches and Dies: Layout, Construction and Use Including Wartime Data Supplement, Frank Stanley, McGraw-Hill, 1943

Turning and Boring Practice, Modern Machine Tools and Methods Used in Representative Plants, Fred Colvin & Frank Stanley, McGraw-Hill, 1943

Jigs and Fixtures, Fred Colvin & Lucius Haas, McGraw-Hill, 1943

Steam Power Plants, Philip J. Potter, Ronald Press, 1949

The Home Mechanic’s Handbook: Encyclopedia of Tools, Materials, Methods and Directions, Various Authors, D. Van Nostrand, 1945

Strength of Materials, Alfred Pourman, McGraw-Hill, 1937

Home Plumber’s Bible, Ramesh Singhai, McGraw-Hill, 1978

Electric Motor Repair, Robert Rosenberg, 1946

Interior Electric Wiring and Estimating, Albert Uhl, Arthur Nelson and Carl Dunlap, American Technical Society, 1947

Electrical Wiring: Residential, William J. Whitney, Wiley and Sons, 1979

Practical Electrical Wiring: Residential, Farm and Industrial, H.P. Richter, McGraw-Hill, 1947

Bucket # 3

The Backyard Builder, Edited by John Warde, Rodale, 1985

Residential Carpentry, Mortimer P. Reed, Wiley & Sons, 1980

Essential of Drafting, James D. Bethune, Prentice Hall, 1977

The Homeowner’s Book of Plumbing and Repair, K.W. Sessions, Wiley & Sons, 1978

Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery, Mildred Graves Ryan, Doubleday, 1979

The Practical Handyman’s Encyclopedia (3 volumes of 22 total)

Bucket # 4

The Timber Framing Book, Elliott and Wallas, Housesmith, 1977

Book of Bikes and Bicycling, Dick Teresi, Popular Mechanics, 1975

Readers Digest Complete Guide to Sewing, 1976

Readers Digest Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills, 1981

Readers Digest Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual, 1973

Reader’s Digest Practical Problem Solver, 1992

Earl Proux’s Yankee Home Hints, Yankee Books, 1993

Yankee Magazine’s Make It Last by Earl Proux, Yankee Books, 1996

Whittlin’, Whistles and Thingamajigs, Harlan G. Metcalfe, Castle, 1974

Bucket # 5

Basic Construction Techniques for Houses and Small Buildings Simply Explained, United States Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Dover Press, 1972

Tools and How To Use Them, Jackson and Day, Wings Books, 1992

The Homestead Builder, CP Dwyer, Lyons Press, 1872/1998

Carpenter’s and Builder’s Library: Millwork, Power Tools and Painting, John E. Ball, Audells, 1976

Carpenter’s and Builder’s Library: Tools, Steel Square, and Joinery, John E. Ball, Audells, 1978

Carpenter’s and Builder’s Library:Builder’s Math, Plans and Specifications, John E. Ball, Audells, 1978

The Practical Handyman’s Encyclopedia (10 volumes of 22 total)

Bucket # 6

The Practical Handyman’s Encyclopedia (9 volumes of 22 total)

Architectural Drawings and Light Construction, Second Edition, Edward J. Muller, Prentice Hall, 1976

Freshwater Fishes, Lawrence Page and Brooks Burr, Peterson, 1991

Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs, George Petrides, Peterson, 1972

Bucket # 7

Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling, Charles F. Chapman, Hearst Press, 1966

McClane’s Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide, Editied by A.J. McClane, Holt-Rinehart, 1965

The Complete Book of Canoeing and Kayaking, Paul Fillingham, Drake, 1976

The Annapolis Book of Seamanship, John Rousmaniere, Simon & Shuster, 1989

Heat Engines: Steam, Gas, Steam Turbines and their Auxiliaries, J.R. Allen and J.A. Bursley, McGraw-Hill, 1910.

Architectural Graphic Standards, G.G. Ramsey and H.R. Sleeper, Wiley & Sons, 1962

The Metal Trades Handbook, R.G. Garby and B.J. Ashton, Jasper, 1985

Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians, J.L. Behler and F.W. King, Knopf, 1979

Bucket # 8

The Way Things Work, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Technology, Volume One, Simon & Schuster, 1967

The Way Things Work, Volume Two, Simon & Schuster, 1971

The New Way Things Work, David Macaulay, Houghton-Mifflin, 1998.

Logan’s Medical and Scientific Abbreviations, Carolynn Logan & M. Katherine Price, Lippincott, 1987

Complete Book of Athletic Taping Techniques, J.V. Cerney, Parker, 1972

Basic Carpentry, John Capotosto, Reston, 1975

The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, 12th Edition, Lincoln Electric Company, 1973

The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases, Prevention Magazine, 1976

What Herbs are all About: A Basic Primer Outlining the Practical Uses of Medicinal Plants, J.J. Challem & Renate Levin-Challem, Keats, 1980

Bucket # 9

English Bread and Yeast Cookery, Elizabeth David, Biscuit Books, 1977

The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies, Editors of Prevention Magazine, Rodale, 1990

Gardening for Food and Fun, USDA Yearbook, 1977

Grass, USDA Yearbook, 1948

Crockett’s Victory Garden, James Crockett, Little-Brown, 1977

Complete Guide to Sewing, Reader’s Digest, 1976

Advanced Home Gardening, Miranda Smith, Creative Homeowner Press, no date

Pastures for the South, George H. King, Creative, 1954

Fruits for the Home Garden, Ken & Pat Kraft, Morrow, 1968

The Best Gardening Ideas I Know, Robert Rodale, Rodale Press, 1974

The Best Gardening Ideas I Know, Robert Rodale, Rodale Press, 1978

Bucket # 10

The Wise Garden Encyclopedia: A Practical and Convenient Guide to Every Detail of Gardening Written for All Climates, Soils, Seasons and Methods, Ed. by E.L.D. Seymour, Grossett & Dunlap, 1970

Betty Crocker’s Kitchen Gardens, Mary Mason Campbell, Scribners, 1971

Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health, D.C. Jarvis, M.D., Henry Holt, 1958

10,000 Garden Questions, Volume One, Ed. by F.F. Rockwell, Doubleday, 1959

How to Treat Yourself with Chinese Herbs, Dr. Hong-Yen Hsu, Keats, 1980

Ferns of Alabama by Blanche E. Dean, Southern University Press, 1969

Today’s Herbal Health, Louise Tenney, Woodland, 1983

The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, Organic Gardening Magazine, Rodale Press, 1978

The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Insect and Disease Control, Ed. by B.W. Ellis & F.M. Bradley, Rodale, 1992

An American Herbal: Using Plants for Healing, Nelson Coon, Rodale, 1979

Stalking the Good Life, Euell Gibbons, McKay, 1971

Earl Mindell’s Herb Bible, E. Mindell, Fireside, 1992

Bucket # 11

Herb Gardening in the Five Seasons, A.G. Simmons, Dutton, 1964

The Alternative Pharmacy, Dr. L.P. Walker & E.H. Brown, J.D., Prentice-Hall, 1998

Herbs for Your Health, Steven Foster, Interweave Press, 1996

Rodales Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs, Ed. by C. Kowalchik & W.H. Hylton, Rodale, 1987

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2002, 4th Edition, Therapeutic Research Faculty, 2002

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, Andrew Cevallier, DK Publishing, 1996

Southern Herb Growing, M. Hill & G. Barclay, Shearer, 1987

Herb Gardening in the South, Sol Meltzer, Gulf Publishing, 1977

The Complete German E Monographs — Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines, Blumenthal, et. al., American Botanical Council, 1998

Herbs for Use and Delight, D.J. Foley, Herb Society of America, 1974

Bucket # 12

Magill’s Medical Guide: Health and Illness, Five Volumes, Salem Press, 1995

Daffodils Are Dangerous: The Poisonous Plants in Your Garden, Hubert Creekmore, Walker, 1966

The Amateur’s Guide to Caves and Caving, David R. McClurg, Stackpole, 1973

Practical Electrical Wiring: Residential, Farm & Industrial, H.R. Richter & W.C. Schwan, 13th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1984

Grey’s Anatomy, Bounty Books, NY, 1977

Bucket # 13

Nurse’s Reference Library: Emergencies, Springhouse Pub., 1985

Nurse’s Reference Library: Diseases, Springhouse Pub., 1985

Nurse’s Reference Library: Signs & Symptoms, Springhouse Pub., 1986

Nurse’s Reference Library: Assessment, Springhouse Pub., 1984

Nurse’s Reference Library: Procedures, Springhouse Pub., 1985

Locksmithing, Bill Phillips, McGraw-Hill, 2000

Dr. Chase’s Combination Receipt Book, Dickerson, 1915

Bucket # 14

Dr. Chase’s Family Physician, Farrier, Bee Keeper and Second Receipt Book, Chase Pub., 1881

The Merck Veterinary Manual, 4th Edition, Ed. by O.H. Siegmund, Merck, 1973

A Synopsis of Anesthesia, J. Alfred Lee & R.S. Atkinson, Williams & Wilkins, 1968

The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals, 12th Edition, Merck, 1996

Physician’s Desk Reference, 60th Edition, Thomson, 2006

Bucket # 15

Wild Flowers: 364 Full Color Illustrations with Complete Descriptive Text, Homer D. House, MacMillan, 1967

A Natural History of Trees of Eastern and Central North America, Donald C. Peattie, Bonanza, 1963

Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning, FEMA, 1996

Design Modification Studies, Office of Civil Defense, DOD, 1968

Elevated Residential Structures, FEMA, 1984

Coastal Construction Manual, FEMA, 1986

Risks and Hazards, State By State, FEMA, 1980

The Progressive Farmers Do-It-Yourself Weather Book, Tim Campbell, Oxmoor House, 1979

The US Cavalry Horse, Gen. William H. Carter, Lyons Press reprint of 1895 original

Horses: Their Selection, Care and Handling, M.C. Self, Wilshire, 1971

The Art of Riding, LTC M.F. McTaggart, Bonanza, 1951

The Way Things Work, David Macaulay, Houghton-Mifflin, 1988

Practical Electricity, Robert G. Middleton, Audel, 1983

Bucket # 16

Basic Electricity, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Dover Press, 1970

Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework, 1979

The Hunter’s World, Charles F. Waterman, Ridge Press (no date)

Textiles, N. Hollen & J. Saddler, Collier-Macmillan, 1973

Residential Construction, William Ventolo, RECo, Chicago, 1979

Biology of Animals, Hichman, Roberts & Hickman, Times-Mirror, 1990

Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Commander Benjamin Dutton, US Naval Institute, 1943

Book of Pregnancy and Child Care, P.S. Pasqnariello, M.D., Wiley, 1999

Complete Book of Breast Feeding, Marvin S. Eger, M.D. & Sally Olds, Workman, 1999

Fur Farming, A.R. Harding, Harding Press, Columbus, OH, 1909/1920

Route Survey and Design, 4th Edition, Carl F. Meyer, International Textbooks, 1969

Bucket # 17

Horticulture, R. Gordon Halfacre & John A. Bardle, McGraw-Hill, 1979

CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Frank Netter, CIBA, 1948

Food Animal Surgery, J.L. Noordsy, DVM, VM Publishing, 1978

Architectural Drawing & Light Construction, E.J. Muller & J.G. Fausett, Prentice Hall, 1973

The Carpenter’s Manifesto: A Total Guide thet takes the Mystery out of Carpentry for Everybody, J. Erhlich & M. Mannheimer, Henry Holt, 1990

Manual of IV Medications, Lynn Phillips & M.A. Kuhn, Lippincott/Raven, 1999

Instrument Flying, Richard L. Taylor, MacMillan, 1972

Eddie Bauer Guide to Backpacking, Archie Satterfield & Eddie Bauer, Addison Wesley, 1983

Guide and Key to Alabama Trees, Donald E. Davis & Norman D. Davis, Kendall-Hunt, 1975

Muskrat Farming, James Edwards, Fur Farmers Publishing, 1928

Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook, EASB, 1997

Basic Electricity, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Dover, 1970

Basic Electronics, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Dover, 1984

Training Your Dog, Joachim Volhard & Gail. T. Fisher, Howell, 1983

Bucket # 18

Principles of Electrical Engineering, Vincent Del Toro, Prentice-Hall, 1965

Structural Steel Design, Lynn S. Beedle, et.al., Ronald Press, 1964

Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, Phil Ferguson, John Wiley, 1965

Manual of Steel Construction, 6th Edition, AISC, 1964

Elementary Structural Analysis, C.H. Norris & J.B. Wilbur, McGraw-Hill, 1960

Design of Concrete Structures, L.C. Urquhart & C.E. O’Rourke, McGraw-Hill, 1946

Concrete Pipe Handbook, H.F. Peckworth, ACPA, 1965

Principles of Fluid Mechanics, Salomon Ezkinazi, Allyn & Bacon, 1963

Manual of Steel Construction, 8th Edition, AISC, 1980

Structural Engineering, J.E. Kirkham, McGraw-Hill, 1933

Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook, Thor Germundsson, American Concrete Institute, 1955

Bucket # 19

Surveying Theory & Practice, R.E. Davis & F.S. Foote, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1953

Highway Engineering, L.J. Ritter & R.J. Paguette, Ronald Press, 1960

Engineering Mechanics, Vol. II Dynamics, Archie Higdon & W.B. Stiles, Prentice-Hll, 1962

Manual of Steel Construction, 8th Edition, AISC, 1980

Introductory Soil Mechanics & Foundations, G.A. Sowers & George F. Sowers, MacMillan, 1961

Hydrology for Engineers, R.K. Linsley, et.al., McGraw-Hill, 1958

Engineering Materials, Committee on Engineering Materials, Pitman Publications, 1958

Elementary Fluid Mechanics, J.K. Vennard, John Wiley, 1954

Route Surveying, Carl F. Meyer, International Textbooks, 1963

Koehler Merhod of Dog Training, William Koehler, Howell, 1983

Elementary Surveying, C.B. Breed & G.L. Hosmer, John Wiley, 1945

Higher Surveying, C.B. Breed & G.L. Hosmer, John Wiley, 1947

Complete Sport Parachuting Guide, Charles Shea-Simmonds, A.C. Black, 1986

Bucket # 20

Once An Eagle by Anton Myrer

The Yale Shakespeare, Shakespeare of Stratford The Yale Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Poems The Yale Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Sonnets The Yale Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Yale Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well The Yale Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra The Yale Shakespeare, As You Like It The Yale Shakespeare, Coriolanus The Yale Shakespeare, Cymbeline The Yale Shakespeare, Hamlet The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Eighth The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Fifth The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Fourth, Part I The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Fourth, Part II The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Sixth, Part I The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Sixth, Part II The Yale Shakespeare, Henry the Sixth, Part III The Yale Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar The Yale Shakespeare, King John The Yale Shakespeare, King Lear The Yale Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost The Yale Shakespeare, Macbeth The Yale Shakespeare, Measue for Measure The Yale Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing The Yale Shakespeare, Othello The Yale Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Yale Shakespeare, Richard the Second The Yale Shakespeare, Richard the Third The Yale Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet The Yale Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors The Yale Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice The Yale Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor The Yale Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew The Yale Shakespeare, The Tempest The Yale Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Yale Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale The Yale Shakespeare, Timon of Athens The Yale Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus The Yale Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida

Bucket # 21

Trout: The Trout Fisherman’s Bible, Ray Bergman, Knopf, 1984 Successful Trout Fishing, Richard alden Knight, Dutton, 1968 Complete Beginner’s Guide to Mountain Climbing, Howard E. Smith, Jr., Doubleday, 1977 Herbal Remedies for Women, Amanda m. Crawford, Prima, 1997 The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies, Prevention Magazine, Rodale, 1990 The Practical Botanist, Rick Imes, Firesdie, 1990 Salt Water Fly Fishing Handbook, Doubleday, 1973 Birds Worth Knowing, Neltje Blanchan, Doubleday, 1925 Natural Resource Conservation, Oliver S. Owen, MacMillan, 1975 Chemistry, Brown, LeMay & Bursten, Prentice-Hall, 2000 Introductory General Chemistry, Brinkley, MacMillan, 1938 Home Brewing Without Failures, H.E. Bravery, Gramercy, 1965 Country Wines and Cordials: Wild Plant & Herbal Recipes for Drinks Old and New, Wilma Paterson, Omega, 1983

Bucket # 22

Complete Collection of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Berkeley Paperbacks, 1968 The Unabridged Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, Running Press, 1976 Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, Ed. by Holliman and O’Clair, Norton, 1973 The Illustrated Treasury of the Brother’s Grimm, Derrydale Books, 1988
Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, Volumers I & II Literature, Edited by E.V. Roberts and H.E. Jacobs, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Bucket # 23

The Complete Guide to Jewelry Soldering, Sara M. Sanford, Lapidary Journal, 2004 Shortguts to a Perfect Sewing Pattern, Rusty Bensussen, Sterling Publishing, 1989 Step-By-Step Weaving, Nell Znamierowski, Golden Press, 1967 Second Stitches: Recycle as You Sew, Susan D. Parker, Chilton Press, 1993 Singer Sewing Reference Library: Clothing Care and Repair — Extending the Life of Your Clothes, 1985 American Patchwork and Quilting, Ed. by G.M. Knox, Better Homes & Gardens, 1985 The New Candle Book, Gloria Nicol, Lorenz Books, 1995 The New Complete Walker: The Joys and Techniques of Hiking and Backpacking, Colin Fletcher, Knopf, 1974 The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Ed. by Robert Berkow, MD, Pocket Books, 1997 Hands in Clay: An Introduction to Ceramics, C.F. Speight & John Toki, Mayfield, 1995 The Complete Book of Sky Sports: A Basic Course in Parachuting, Soaring, Flying, Gyrocopter, Ballooning, Flying Power Planes, Linn Emrich, Collier, 1970 Encyclopedia of Furniture Making, Ernest Joyce, Barnes & Noble, 1987 A Guide to Field Identification of Trees of North America, C. Frank Brockman, Golden Press, 1968

Bucket # 24

The Collinridge Encyclopedia of Gardening, Arthur Hellyer, Chartwell, 1976 Orvis Fly Fishing Guidem Tom Rosenbauer, Lyons, 1984 Prentice Hall Illustrated Dictionary of Ecology and Plant Life, Martin Walters & Merilyn Holme, Prentice Hall, 1993 Practical Gardening Encyclopedia, Ed. by Roy Hay, Van Nostrand, 1977 Foolproof Planting: How to Successfully Start and Propagate More than 250 Vegetables, Flowers, Trees and Shrubs, Ed. by A.M. Halpin, Rodale Press, 1990 Gardening & Using Healing Herbs, Gaea and Shandor Weiss, Wings, 1999 The Organic Front, J.Rodale, Rodale Press, 1948 Dog Breeding — Theory and Practice, Will Judy, Judy Publishing, 1958 Furniture Finishing, W.I. Fischman, Bobbs Merrill, 1978 Loaded for Bear: A Treasury of Great Hunting Stories, Ed. by Greenberg & Waugh, Bonanza, 1990 Home Repairs Made Easy, Ed. by D.D. Wolf, Delair Publishing, 1979

Bucket # 25

Organic Chemistry Study Guide and Solutions Manual, Susan McMurry, Fifth Edition, Brooks-Cole, 2000.
Standard handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fink & Beaty, Eleventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1978 Good Housekeeping Complete Book of Needlecraft, Vera P. Guild, Doubleday, 1959 Metal Techniques for Craftsmen: A Basic Manual on the Methods of Forming and Decorating Metals, Oppi Untracht, Doubleday, 1968 How to Supervise People, Alfred M. Cooper, McGraw-Hill, 1941 Whittling and Woodcarving, E.J. Tangerman, Dover, 1962 New Short Cuts to Construction Profits, Engineering News-Record, 1936 The Finely Fitted Yacht, Ferenc Mate, Volumes 1 & 2, Norton, 1979

Bucket # 26
Selected Works of Cicero, Walter J. Black, 1948 Selected Essays of Montaigne, Walter J. Black, 1948 Five Great Dialogues, Plato, Walter J. Black, 1948 Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, Walter J. Black, 1948 On Man in the Universe, Aristotle, Walter J. Black, 1948 Little House on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 On the Backs of Plum Creek, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 Little House in the Big Woods, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 Farmer Boy, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 By the Shores of Silver Lake, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 The Long Winter, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 These Happy Golden Years, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 The First Four Years, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 Little Town on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harper Row, 1981 Elizabethan Drama, Marlowe-Shakespeare, Harvard Classics, 1969 Reader’s Digest Fun & Laughter, Reader’s Digest, 1967 The World’s Great Thinkers, 4 Volumes, Random House, 1972

Bucket # 27
The Tent Book, E.M. Hatton, Mifflin, 1979.
Singer Sewing Book, Mary Picken, Singer, 1951 Game Birds of North America, Leonard Rue III, Harper 1973 Encyclopedia of Comman Diseases, Prevention, 1976 Anthology of American Literature: Colonial through Romantic, Ed. bvy George McMichael, MacMillan, 1980 Wildlife Management on Your Land, Charles L. Cadieux, Stackpole, 1985 Find Fish Anywhere, Anytime, Joseph D. Bates & Mark Straub, North American Fishing Club, 1991 Freshwater Fishing Secrets, Jay M. Strangis, NAFC, 1990 How to Build Clocks and watches, Byron G. Wels, Vertex, 1971 Clock Repairing as a Hobby, Harold C. Kelly, Association Press, 1972.

Bucket # 28
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Robert Juvinhall & Kurt Marshek, Wiley, 1991 Organic Plant Protection, Ed. by R.B. Yepson, Jr., Rodale, 1976 Our Soils and Their Management, R.L. Donahue, R.H. Follett, R.W. Tulloch, Interstate, 1983 Weeds of the World: Biology and Control, Lawrence J. King, Leonard Hill, 1966 The Natural Formula Book for Home & Yard, Ed. by Dan Wallace, Rodale, 1982 Beneficial Insects, Lester Swan, Harper, 1964 Garden Friends and Foes, Richard Headstrom, Washburn, 1954 All About Apples, Alice Martin, Houghton Mifflin, 1976 Pruning Guide for Trees, Shrubs and Vines, Tom Stevenson, Luce, 1964 Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases, F.C. Bawden, Ronald Press, 1964

Bucket # 29
Hydroelectric Handbook, William Creager & Joel Justin, Wiley, 1950 Engineering for Dams, in Three Volumes, William Creager, Joel Justin & Julian Hinds, Wiley, 1945 Irrigation Engineering, Volume 1, Agricultural & Hydrological Phases, Ivan Houk, Wiley, 1951 An Introduction to American Forestry, S.W. Allen & G.W. Sharpe, McGraw-Hill, 1960 Sugar Cane Around the World: An Evaluation and Comparison of the Practices of Sugar Cane Cultivation, A.H. Rosenfeld, University of Chicage, 1955 A Guide to Good Wine, Allan Sichel, et.al, Murray’s, London, 1971 Jerry Baker’s Outdoor Garden answer Book, Jerry Baker, Grosset & Dunlap, 1976

And Stewart Brand’s list:

Together these books assemble knowledge essential for us to maintain, extend and (if needed) recreate what humans have achieved thus far. Here are Stewart Brand’s recommendations:

Many thanks to Stewart for taking the time and care to recommend these books for our collection.

2 thoughts on “DFML: Library for the End of the World”

  1. Pingback: DFML: Library for the End of the World - Unofficial Network

  2. I need 100,000 dollars to purchase all those books and 50 years added onto my life so that I can read them.


    I can use the tools I’ve accumulated over the past 40 years and buy more as I need them, and get on with it.

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