“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.”-Gerald Ford
There seems to be a growing number of individuals, and groups of individuals in this Country who think healthcare is a “human right”. Maybe I am a little perplexed on just what exactly a “human right” is, but I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t take two humans to produce one human’s “human right”. I am always left scratching my head as to how this “human right” would work without enslaving a human to produce this “human right” for another human. Hmmmm….
Maybe the humans that are demanding such a right be afforded to them are under the impression “their” healthcare is just “out there”. Maybe these humans just think when they come bursting through the hospital doors that whole teams of medical professionals are anxiously awaiting their arrival, free of charge, of course. Or, if not free of charge, it’ll be paid for somehow. How? Well, the Government will pay for me, damn it! It’s my human right! The medical professionals will get paid what the Government deems appropriate for services rendered, besides those rich doctors (who have spent most of their lives educating themselves) charge too much anyway. It’s time the Government stepped in and took charge of this situation; it’s gotten rather out of hand. Sadly, most of the inflated prices we see doctors charging are caused by the Government.
I want to make sure everyone understands what they are demanding when they demand such “human rights” as healthcare. Those who demand this be a right necessarily demands that another human is to be their slave. Sure, it might not be the kind of slavery we all learned about in school, chattel slavery, but it is slavery nonetheless. It is only different in degree. Those who advocate this human right believe the Government should have the power to say “you will treat this human, and this is what you will receive for compensation.” Of course, this program would be backed up by the gun, as all other Government programs are. Any doctors who are dissenters would quickly find themselves either fined, jailed or killed. All in the name of someone else’s healthcare. If this be the case, why wouldn’t the patient carry his own pistol into the doctor’s office and demand services at the barrel of his gun? Oh, that’s right, because THAT would be illegal, but there are ways to remedy this moral dilemma. Vote for it.
Advocates of the single-payer healthcare system always make me laugh. When individuals and politicians say, “I am a proponent of the single-payer healthcare system”, what they are really saying is this, “I think everyone needs to pay for what I think is a good idea”. I have challenged many advocates of this single-payer idea as to how it would be enforced. This always seems to trouble them for some reason. I reckon they are under the impression it is just such a good idea that everyone would just ante up, and not think twice about it. This theory is all well and good, but the application could become a bit messy. Big Government folks have a hard time seeing the gun in the room, but it’s there. Even when it’s pointed out, most still won’t abandon the idea. Which then we would have to change the above quote to say, “I think everyone needs to pay for what I think is a good idea, and so does my buddy Big Government, he has big guns just in case you don’t agree with us.”
The American People are now on the edge of their seats anxiously awaiting the verdicts of nine lawyers with black dresses on whether this healthcare bill is Constitutional, whether the American People can be forced under the threat of law to purchase a product. Frankly, I don’t care what the Superior or the Inferior Courts have to say about it, because I don’t care about the Constitution. I see the Constitution as a blueprint for a perpetual slave machine, so it would only be fitting if the lawyers with moo-moos on figured out a way to place more shackles on us. We can expect no moral judgments to be handed down from these clowns, because they have sworn oaths to an immoral document. Any shred of reason and justice that makes its way out of the American Judicial System is purely accidental. Instead of questioning the Constitutionality of the healthcare bill, why don’t we question the morality of it? Can a man really be forced to buy something he does not want? I need food and water before I need healthcare, how long before Congress forces me to buy these things? And what shall be the punishment for not buying the things needed to support my own life? Death? In the end, if the healthcare bill is made law, and you do not comply, ultimately you will be killed. Sure, you will be fined, maybe thrown in a cage, but if resistance is continued your non-compliance will be met with lethal force. Murdered for not buying healthcare. Welcome to the world where up is down.
“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
-William Pitt the Younger
No right can place an obligation (beyond not denying that right) on another person. I have a right to keep and bear arms (with or without a Second Amendment) but no one is obligated to give me a gun and a holster; they are just wrong to prevent me from providing that for myself through economic means.
Health care is the same- you have an absolute right to seek out the best healthcare you can afford to get. No one has an obligation to provide it to you, but no one has a right to prevent you from doing so yourself. That is one reason drug prohibition is a great evil; people are being forbidden drugs they think would benefit them.
Good stuff, Chris. I’m always dumbfounded by the goofs who advocate their slave master over another so long as theirs is the one carrying the whip. That’s how incredibly ignorant people are. With all the babbling about Human Rights I too wonder if these intellectual Nimrods ever carefully thought about their argument. I’m being facetious as you and I already know the answer. Gun in the room? I smell a Molyneauxism. Very apt description for the threat that lies dormant so long as you FREELY do as you are told.
Thanks, MoT.
Yeah, you might see a little Molyneux come through in my writing. I like to read what he has to say. Marc Stevens also uses terms of that nature quite often. Once all of the paper is removed the only thing left is the gun, I’m the kind of guy who likes to get right to the point.
Ken, the State certainly has done a good job of corrupting the once noble concept of rights haven’t they? But what else should we expect from a parasite other than parasitic loss?
It’s interesting to watch the dynamics of the debate.
About doctors: While for the most part the medical profession serves a useful purpose, I object to what it’s become.
l’ll preface the following comments with the disclosure that I was a registered nurse for 10 years. I left in disgust, gleefully burning that bridge behind me. Physicians were a primary source of contention as they tend to show their true colors to nurses.
Consider the medication prescription. It’s a permission slip for the sick to use – and distributors to disburse – needed medications. It’s a means to avoid punishment. I think I heard someone on here express that sentiment. It’s an enlightenment that came to me during my practice.
Hippocrates must be rolling over in his tomb. But maybe he too, would have succumbed to the same temptation for power.