I am a self-confessed geardo, so when we got a chance to lay hands on the new (for us) Military Utility Tool (MUT) from Leatherman, we went to work. Our Village Armorer penned an excellent review after conducting his evaluation. We are always looking for tools that simply make life better whether for now or in preparation for the massive calamities that the state and government inevitably visit on their inhabitants.
We recently started transitioning from FAL main battle rifle (MBR) platforms to AR platforms in .223 and .308 for a variety of reasons discussed in an earlier Praxis or two. The MUT was purpose built to serve the AR series of rifles, to include servicing Glocks, our Village standard for sidearms. It also fits a number of other tasks one would expect from a multi-tool
Skip has done a wonderful appraisal of the tool:
I found the materials used to be above par in comparison to ordinary tools such as wrenches, pliers, and knives, indicating Leatherman researched their materials and even raised their standard as far as the MUT is concerned. The fact that certain parts are user-replaceable demonstrates it is a long-term tool with a lifetime of usage in mind. One of the areas I would suggest to Leatherman is that, like the available bit kit that comes complete with 20 separate bits has a plastic holder, the accessory replacement kit should come in a similar deployable package to make spare stowage simpler for the tactical operator.
He goes on:
Evaluation of the MOLLE sheath is an integral part of the tool for obvious retention and deployment reasons, so I have the most suggestions for both Leatherman and the tactical user in this area. If you added every available option to the Leatherman MUT, even excluding the replacement kit, you will not fit it all in the MOLLE pouch. It would be a waste for the pouch to be expanded to accommodate the options not needed when the immediate action required is the bolt over-ride tool function of the MUT itself. My suggestion is to Leatherman is to encase the replacement kit onto a similar board as the two-part bit kit and making an additional MOLLE pouch available for the three boards for the operator to stow on their three-day pack since these items are normally not needed in an immediate-action bolt over-ride drill. Another option is a tri-wrap pouch that flops down when unlimbered during daily maintenance and cleaning, but is otherwise secured as a support pouch on the three-day pack, similar to some blow-out kits being manufactured today. If Leatherman were really bold, they would get a consensus on the most common cleaning kit carried and incorporate that into their design. My cleaning kits are specific to each gun, so the one in my Bug Out Bag (BOB) has items needed to maintain and clean both my carbine and sidearm. I plan on using a lanyard to secure a spare front sight tool in the small front pouch at some point.
Here is the entire T&E by Skip complete with pretty pictures.
Is it the perfect deployment tool? No, it certainly has its flaws but the combination of rugged construction, thoughtful design and tactical elegance puts it head and shoulders above what little competition there is for the tool in the marketplace. I always have a severe problem with the use of Velcro as a fastening device on any tactical gear and this is no exception.
The EOD device option simply allows one to crimp det cord.
It is a bit spendy but you know what they say: if you have a ten dollar head, you buy a ten dollar helmet. -BB
Notes in the Margin: Every now and again, I run across a blogger who nails it in summing up the absolute peril we are in and on top of that, writes with such flair and mastery of the language that I step back and stare in awe and adulation. Giordano Bruno does just that. –BB
To wit:
This may be a highly distasteful proposition, but just for a moment, I want you to sit back, and imagine that you are a member of the corporate banking elite. You are a walking talking disease ridden power mad pustule who naively believes himself intellectually superior to the vast majority of humanity and above the inherent laws of conscience, honor, and general good taste. You are a villain in the purest sense, in that you not only do great harm to the world, you actually SEEK to do great harm to the world, if only to benefit yourself and your exclusive circle of “friends”; a clan of degenerate blood thirsty sociopaths with delusions of omnipotence that stalk the night like Armani wearing Chupacabra exsanguinating the joy from poor unsuspecting cultures. You are capable of anything, and sadly, you take “pride” in this fact…
You aren’t “rich” in the traditional sense. You aren’t a “Bill Gates” or a “Donald Trump” (I’m beginning to wonder if Donald Trump is even solvent, or if his entire fortune is a special-effect courtesy of NBC). No, you don’t “make” money, you MAKE the money. You are a global financier. You are a central banker. You create the fiat that the rest of the country uses to sustain its fantasy economy. You dominate trade through monopoly and corporate fraud. You control the flow of currency through an economic system using fractional reserve banking, artificially pegged interest rates, and your ever trusty printing press. You put your substantial monetary clout behind BOTH major political parties, and groom presidential candidates to your globalist standards. Any politician who desires to climb the ladder of power turns to you for assistance, not the voting public. You have a tremendous financial stake in every corporate news provider in the country, if not own them outright. You invite their top reporters to posh banquets, give them unlimited access to prominent social figures and high rollers, and fly them to private alcohol addled orgies in the middle of the California Redwoods (I wish this was all made up). Forget responsible journalism, they love hanging out with you, and would probably write whatever you tell them to.
Read the rest: https://neithercorp.us/npress/2011/02/how-to-fake-an-economic-recovery/
Bill Buppert is confirmed for speaking at Libertopia in San Diego, Kalifornia OCT 21-23, 2011. I would love to meet some of my readers there. See: https://www.libertopia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=6&Itemid=54
Government employee dies at desk and is not discovered until a day later. A tragedy rather illustrative of the efficacy of the state in accomplishing anything: https://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-dead-at-desk,0,1383236.story
Thanks, Jesse, and the kind words, Bill. I hope it helps folks in selecting their gear.
“There is no crime more infamous than the violation of truth. It is apparent that men can be social beings no longer than they believe each other. When speech is employed only as the vehicle of falsehood, every man must disunite himself from others, inhabit his own cave and seek prey only for himself.”
– Dr. Samuel Johnson
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These sociopaths (domestic terrorists are what they really are) are only acting according to their own true nature. There will always be a certain percentage of people who are almost not human, acting 100% in their own self interest and only held back by the fear of what people would do to them if they were caught.
Here is the problem: there is a mass of otherwise basically good people who are willing to support the sociopaths because they are given jobs and other favors – such as police, in the justice system, military, the mainstream press, etc. It is from these people that the sociopaths draw their real power.
All it takes is for the everyday people to say “enough is enough” and throw off their self-imposed shackles and stop enforcing the dictates of the sociopaths.