“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
It really is ingenious. The TSA is being used as the forefront of conditioning for the wet dream of American governance in the future. What is that future? To reduce all American cattle to the conditions that exist when we are all trapped in the airline fuselage at 35000 feet; the condition of unquestioning obedience to all commands issued by the government proxies disguised as flight attendants and airline pilots (more so the former than the latter). You cannot do anything that is not government approved otherwise you may be fined, jailed or shot down on the tarmac. In defense of the pilots, they are starting to get pretty uppity at their incompetent masters in the TSA and FAA.
Flight attendants, not so much; these rude, ill-trained waitresses in the sky whose primary job appears to be making the flight as uncomfortable as possible and ensuring that total compliance to ludicrous and silly government diktats are met to the letter. When Stalin was staffing his secret police, he overlooked a goldmine of potential candidates here. But then again, back in the day, the flight attendants were selected for their exquisite manners and good looks unlike today’s legion of overweight (ah, India!) and lumpy harridans whose only mission in life seems to be to skulk about the cabin with the customer service motif that informs the behavior of the apparatchiks behind the counter at the US Post Office and any local Motor Vehicles Revenue depot.
The entire air transport industry has become a virtually nationalized industry in a truly economically fascist sense in which ANY business transaction from ticketing to baggage to flight rules are the government’s whim. n Now we have the TSA (Thugs Standing Around) adding to the long list of failures and theater that has been their raison d’être joining the lucrative porn industry even though like all government operations they will LOSE money. The latest disgraceful endeavor by one the country’s least loved government agencies will be the legalization for the “only ones” to traffic in both naked pictures pilfered from Americans trying to board planes and the forced groping and molestation of passengers of all ages and both sexes who opt out of the imaging. I have always had a suspicion that one of the sub rosa agendas of the TSA was to be the instrument to instill obedience and conditioning across a wide swath of subjects to make the once and future surveillance state more effective. A means to soften and incrementally improve instant compliance to nameless armed and unarmed government lackeys in bad costumes. How precious, by the way, that the TSA changed their uniform colors from white to blue in order to give the optical illusion of slimming the Macy’s Day Parade floats posing as TSA “officers”.
Most of these highly paid morons would fail to pass muster at a fast food franchise but here they are given the “color of law” and the authority to abuse and bully hundreds of fellow subjects and be paid to do so with minimal training and worse supervision. Not only has the TSA been absolutely ineffective but it is probably one of the most useful employment schemes cooked up by the Federal government to take care of a non-problem since the heyday of RedDR’s bold socialist programs in the 1930s.
Ironically, the TSA has just hung the world’s largest Help Wanted sign out for the world’s sexual predators who can now have a comfortable job, nice pension and Federally granted immunity to view and potentially traffic in voyeuristic porn of every stripe. As a bonus, they simply have to don a costume and they can lay hands on all the women and children they desire in a most ungentlemanly fashion. A recipe for disaster but that is, after all, what government does.
Unlike a stop by our local constabulary on their never-ending pursuit of revenue for their masters, Americans have an opportunity here to see that this particular sex slave operation is completely optional.
Don’t fly.
Do you really believe the Feds when they say they will not store any images? Do you really believe that the TSA employees will not conduct their own “profiling” to do what every teenage boy has desired for eons..and be paid to do so? What the TSA is allowing and urging their employees to do is nothing short of sexual assault and child molestation. The appearance of the pictures of young children they will have on their computer consoles is a punishable offense in every state that will land you on the Sex Offender list for the rest of your life whether you deserve it or not. The Federal government is quite literally proclaiming that they are above the law and will ensure that the employees of the TSA will have the full protection of the law. It would be interesting to see how many sex offenders are currently employed by the TSA.
It is sickening and disgusting.
This is not security; this is nothing more than further proof that the government is barking mad. This is yet another instance of the rulers rationalizing evil for their own nefarious ends. I would personally rather deal with the astronomically improbable instance of a terrorist taking over an aircraft than seeing my wife and children ogled or FFU (Federally Felt Up).
I have ruminated before how the men related to the mothers, daughters and wives who have been brutalized by the armed and unarmed uniformed tax-eaters can get away with that kind of behavior with no fear for their lives every day after they have committed these acts against these women. This is the same unspeakable thing. Now another brick in the wall to prove that while there may be males in America, there are not many men.
Three huzzahs for the pilot Mike Roberts for putting his fortune and honor on the line and refusing to subject himself to this humiliation even though it may cost him his job as a pilot.
There have been a host of commentators more able than myself covering the other dimensions of this Federal Porn Initiative to include former Fatherland Security Czar Chertoff’s (he bears a striking and creepy resemblance to V.I. Lenin) enrichment in pimping the porn viewer technology, the airlines advantage in stifling the ticketing options through government restriction and the veritable hijacking of the private airline industry by the Federal government. Most airports in America are owned by state and local governments with over-weaning interference from the Federal government.
The bottom line is this is yet another pristine example of why the TSA is a clown posse and why they are a natural adjunct, if not poster child, for the American Federal government.
Move along, citizen, nothing to see here…unless, of course, you are a TSA employee.
“If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of Almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.”
– Samuel Adams