Bill Buppert Podcast Interview on Why the Constitution is a Big Government Blueprint

From the Cochise Talk website:

The Constitution of the United States of America is “the” document upon which our ship-of-state navigates. We think of our “rights” as coming from “the Constitution”. But, do they really? Does the Constitution really give us protection, and if so, from what? And, what do we know about the process that eventually produced a ratified document? And how much do we really know about its authors’ mind sets at the time. And, has the “bible” of our legal and other systems held up over time? We think of a “scholar” as a person who’s study, knowledge and understanding of a subject runs deep. Such a person may not always be met with agreement, but no one can take away from the commitment such a so-called “expert” makes to research, and to digging “even deeper”. So, are you ready for a rare and captivating discussion of our Constitution? If you want to know something more than you do right now, if you are ready to have your own thought process challenged, and if you want to do it in less than an hour (that goes by like 20 minutes), listen to local retired military man and now government contractor Bill Buppert DOIN’ LUNCH with Dan Abrams on Cochise Talk. This discussion might well be censored were it held in some other countries. Not in the U.S. and not on We especially appreciate your feedback on this exclusive and timely interview conducted just one week after Constitution Day on September 17th. Write us at: Note: Mr. Buppert’s papers are frequently published on


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