I welcome all constructive feedback on Zero Gov.
In theory, of course; in practice, I may become giddy or sulk.
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I’m a bit dubious about anonymous postings in general, but having several anonymous people at once gets confusing. I will, on occasion, edit comments for GRAMMAR and SPELLING only.
To send messages or questions about notions of liberty, history, guns, preparedness and this blog, visit my forum.
You may email me at thirdgun AT hotmail DOT com.
I’m delighted to hear what folks are looking for when it comes to liberty, preparedness and history. I can’t promise I’ll have anything to say in response, though. Please bear in mind:
- I’m happy to receive news about upcoming events, media, books, etc, but I don’t have a firm schedule for announcements or reviews.
- Yes, I comment on modern and ancient politics but I am affiliated with no formal political Party, not even the Libertarian Party. I will continue to prattle on about politics until our ability to do so is suspended which I actually anticipate in the future.
- Cross examination is the engine of truth and I accept all reasoned barbs and arrows. This site challenges so many assumptions and things people take for granted that it can at times be overwhelming so please let’s advance together in a civil discourse.
- Whether you are a religionist of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim variety or everything in between, I have zero interest in your particular affiliation unless it relates to how it affects the mortal coil we live in. I am a deist and not a religionist of any conventional stripe.
- While I am a great fan of satire, personal attacks on me will simply make me yawn.
- I love cats, they are nature’s most able anarchists.
I hope all is well. I paid a short visit to SGM “Paul”, and he said that you had left the “pit”. Wherever you are, I hope all is well. I just finished reading Brute. The prose is a little choppy for my tastes, but it was a great book about a great man. Thanks. As pay-back, allow me to recommend Theodore and Woodrow by Judge Napolitano.
Great to hear from you, I will be in your neck of the woods (relatively) in Lancaster NH in June.
Keep SAFE in NY.
Hey Bill, I just got back from my annual physical at the spinal cord unit in San Diego. While in the TV/computer room in the ward one night, a couple nurses came in and plopped down on the couch. I’ve been going there about a decade and had never seen that because the sign on the door clearly stating in large bold font that the room is only for use of spinal cord inpatients and their guests.
So I just hang back and listen. One nurse (the newer one) is telling the more experienced one that with the new program, they can no longer sign all their reports in the beginning of the shift because they are time stamped. She continues by stating that the copy and paste functions no longer work either. She went on to elaborate but began whispering so I couldn’t copy more.
Later I asked one of the good nurses if paperwork is such a problem that they usually copy and paste reports, signing them all at the beginning of the shift. Her only reply was that yes, paperwork was a big problem for them.
How interesting if technology makes bureaucracy even more loathsome than it is but gov is bad no matter how wired it is.
Just watched your interview with adam kokesh on youtube, loved every bit of it!!!
Thanks for the great info and for what you do!
Love the interview with Adam Bill,
I myself am a Disabled Retired Veteran of the U.S. Army, I have always been somewhat awake, but it wasn’t until 2001 when I became fully awoken to many things. I myself, am also trying to wake many people about our LE agencies, it has been a real task, many have been indoctrinated to believe what isn’t so and also to misinform people about the real meaning of LE. I say keep up the good work, we need alot of people speaking the truth like you and I. Just in case you have got this information, which I feel you have already done your research on, in Fact Law Enforcement have no legal duty to respond and prevent crime or protect the victim. There have BEEN OVER 10 various supreme and state court cases the individual has never won. Notably, the Supreme Court STATED about the responsibility of Law Enforcement for the security of your family and loved ones is “You, and only you, are responsible for your security and the security of your family and loved ones. That was the essence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980’s when they ruled that the Law Enforcement do not have a duty to protect you as an individual, but to protect society as a whole.”
“It is well-settled fact of American law that the Law Enforcement have no legal duty to protect any individual citizen from crime, even if the citizen has received death threats and the Law Enforcement have negligently failed to provide protection.”
On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to individual police protection even in the presence of a restraining order. Mrs. Gonzales’ husband with a track record of violence, stabbing Mrs. Gonzales to death, Mrs. Gonzales’ family could not get the Supreme Court to change their unanimous decision for one’s individual protection. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN FOLKS AND GOVERNMENT BODIES ARE REFUSING TO PASS THE Safety Ordinance.
(1) Richard W. Stevens. 1999. Dial 911 and Die. Hartford, Wisconsin: Mazel Freedom Press.
(2) Barillari v. City of Milwaukee, 533 N.W.2d 759 (Wis. 1995).
(3) Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616 (7th Cir. 1982).
(4) DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 489 U.S. 189 (1989).
(5) Ford v. Town of Grafton, 693 N.E.2d 1047 (Mass. App. 1998).
(6) Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981).
“…a government and its agencies are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen…” -Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App. 1981)
(7) “What makes the City’s position particularly difficult to understand is that, in conformity to the dictates of the law, Linda did not carry any weapon for self-defense. Thus by a rather bitter irony she was required to rely for protection on the City of NY which now denies all responsibility to her.”
Riss v. New York, 22 N.Y.2d 579,293 N.Y.S.2d 897, 240 N.E.2d 806 (1958).
(8) “Law enforcement agencies and personnel have no duty to protect individuals from the criminal acts of others; instead their duty is to preserve the peace and arrest law breakers for the protection of the general public.”
Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S.E. 2nd 247 (N.C. App. 1989)
New York Times, Washington DC
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: June 28, 2005
The ruling applies even for a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.
I hope to see more work and reports from you in the future, and I will be picking up your book.
I always listen to Anarchast, which is how I came across you. I never have any involvement in what I hear; but I listen anyway just for amusement. Mostly I am too lazy to respond to anything I hear said but today I will just make a little response.
It amused me to hear you say you are against slavery when you seem to be married. The only firm conclusion that my life has provided me with ( I am well over sixty) is that marriage is the ultimate slavery. The slavery is double fold. It comes from within from that part of instinct which drives out all reason, and it comes from without by laws which mean that the married man is not an individual at all – indeed in law he is hardly human at all.
May be you will need to be married for the nearly forty years that I have endured to be able to see what I mean.
My first visit. Enjoyed. Please add me to your list.
Greetings Bill. I recently heard an interview in which you mention that somebody you know – maybe one of your sons but I’m not sure – is about to marry a foreigner, and you mentioned you’d advise them not to naturalize their wife, that she should essentially stay in her illegal status forever. What would be your suggestion for a couple that wishes to live a normal married life and raise a family in the US while residing here illegally?
I didn’t mention an illegal status but a green card status in which she remains a resident alien with no intention whatsoever of getting USSA citizenship.
I don’t have a kindle, I have a nook. When will your new book be available either for the nook or in paperback? Thank you for your time.
Are your books available in .pdf?
Email me directly please.
Are you aware of Dr Rivera’s work?
Re Via: Ed Rivera Email,,,
”The Articles can’t be gotten rid of because they and the States are the foundation upon which the United States of America is built, if you get rid of the Articles you lose all the United States of America stands for. The free, sovereign and independent States of the Union established by the Articles of Confederation owe a duty to those inhabitants who choose freedom over subservience to government to know and enforce all the Organic Laws.The American Civil War was the result of the failure of the Southern States to realize that…”
FUBO/AINO, Etc.!https://gunnyg.wordpress.com/2015/07/26/gunny-g-wtf-is-fubo-aino-etc/
***** *****
*****Gunny G Blogs…*****
Semper FIDELIS !!!!!*****
I’d like to have your permission to reblog your open letter to Glen Beck on my blog at wyowanderer.wordpress.com, with full attribution.
Thanks for your consideration.
Any chance you could please write a summary of the school girl tossed around like a rag doll last week in Carolina?
Sirrrrrr William,
Greatings and salutations my fine friend. It has been too long since we have camaraderized in person (Kabul 12/13), or corresponded via email. I just heard a reference to “government zero” on the radio today. The reference obviously stirred my memory to your book and sharp wit. I note you have not lost much of your special touch. I must beg forgiveness, however, that I failed to extend to you a most meritorious and exceptional Constitution Day. We had the great originalist, Justice Scalia, come and share some sage thoughts with us. I am most assured that you celebrated with shackles, chains, and much fanfare.
In closing, never forget:
1) invest in all the fiat paper you possibly can (sanitary wipes may run out during the zombie apocalypse); and
2) high velocity, powder propelled, primer-initiated projectiles are ALL evil. No touchy.
Be well, and please, whatever you do, stay away from burning man.
I tried registering to post to your forums. Could not figure out the number sequence. Can you give me the answer please?
Hi, Interesting post. As a Yippie who studied directly under the late Abbie Hoffman, I am interested in what you have to say as an anarchist.
just curious is Cancer Club coming soon?
I have a question on the form of government called “Republic”.
The patriot community seems to consider a Republic with the same reverence as the magic parchment (Constitution). I read Plato’s Republic along with a few other pieces of his works. I found them a little difficult to wade through. I did come away with the conclusion that nearly all the people that consider a Republic the best form of government, do not know what a Republic is. According to Plato, a Republic is a government of Philosopher Kings. I do not recall if any election process was involved. I came away thinking that the Philosopher Kings were little different than what we know today as an Elite Class. Both consider them selves better and wiser than the common serfs. The Elite/Philosopher Kings decide what is in the best interests of the lower classes and the lower classes are to obediently do what they were told without question.
I am seeing every country on the planet having Plato’s version of a Republican form of government. In other words, every country is really just governed by the Elite or Philosopher Kings.
Am I understanding Plato’s version of a Republic correctly?
Did I miss an earlier post of you writing about this?
Comments please.
Love the blog. email incoming
thirdgun at hotmail dot com
Good to find you again. Don’t know if you remember me, but I used to run a blog entitled “Our Enemy, The State.” You and I had some great conversations via email. I’ve stopped writing the blog, but my beliefs haven’t faltered in the least. I’ll follow you on Twitter, and am pleased to be reconnected.
Bill, I work with your son, a man I know not terribly well, but one I admire. As for the writings I’ve seen of yours thus far: I find it refreshing to see so cerebral a defiant, amid so many who see truth, or parts of it, but only do so instinctively. Intelligence is both blessing and curse, as you must know, but its curse is only in its burden, frustration and loneliness.
Its blessing is less measurable because it approaches immeasurability. I have always striven toward liberty, I’ve always sought to disabuse fools, I’ve always championed the utmost importance of history and tried to expose the sinister evils of revisionism taught at so-called institutions of higher learning–but for all that I am a man you would likely regard as newly awakened. To what? The ubiquity of corruption all about us in this nation. I hope to meet you some day. I will view your forums more as time allows. -Trevor Treller, CdA
Just want to let you know your site is officially banned on the Dept of Defense network.
How do I know? I tried to get to your site. Something’s they will write out specifics as to why it is banned. Other times not. In your case I didn’t see much to indicate why.
I have discovered that and been told by several friends. Thanks for the heads-up. Opposition to human slavery is universally despised by the government so I am getting my recompense I suppose.
Hi Bill. I miss our talks around the tree at the DFAC. I’m burned out, looking for a place to put down roots. Somehow, through my own mistakes, I’ve put myself into a miserable position living and working on the Potomac. If there was a silver lining, I’ve noticed an increase in wisdom contained within the conversations I’ve had with select individuals. Although, I’ve only come across that wisdom with people who have bore witness to the sticky end of the business. I’m just still looking for clarity and happiness. I’ve found that I am missing something important in my life and that my only real chains are of my own doing. I am close to unshackling myself, but I need to find a place to call my home. I welcome advice, but please not publicly.
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