
The Pentagon Abides: Martial Incompetence and the Extinction of America by Bill Buppert

“Even if we are spared destruction by war, our lives will have to change if we want to save life from self-destruction.” ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Be happy that the US is spending itself into oblivion on military hardware.  The American military is a colossus in presence, spending and technology and they lack one vital feature, they

The Pentagon Abides: Martial Incompetence and the Extinction of America by Bill Buppert Read More »

Government is the Engine for Perverse Incentives by Bill Buppert

  Manners are the lubricant of civilization and so are incentives.  Incentives, whether good or bad, make the world go ‘round. When drugs are illegal such as the wide variety of illicit hallucinogens proscribed by the rulers in America, they don’t go away.  Prices rise in the black market attracting guerrilla entrepreneurs who emulate government

Government is the Engine for Perverse Incentives by Bill Buppert Read More »

Happy Dependence Day! Preamble to the 1977 Soviet Constitution Slightly Modified to American Standards by Bill Buppert

Publisher’s Note:  I took a stab at modifying the 1776 American Declaration of Independence to present standards of governance and cowardice and discovered that  much would be left out on the cutting floor and severe alterations to verbiage would be necessary to keep the homo sovieticus booboisie in America from filling their pants and gibbering

Happy Dependence Day! Preamble to the 1977 Soviet Constitution Slightly Modified to American Standards by Bill Buppert Read More »

Secession Talk – “Good Morning, Mr. President” and Other Essays by Bill Buppert

I inaugurated the first of several conversations about secession several years ago.  The first essay is published below and the accompanying essays are linked below that.  Mordor on the Potomac can NEVER be reformed.  You can send good people but they will be sucked into a system of corruption and servitude that is unrivaled in

Secession Talk – “Good Morning, Mr. President” and Other Essays by Bill Buppert Read More »

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