I created the minimalist to meet my frequent traveling on airlines, both CONUS and OCONUS as a backup to the main components inside my bag. If, for whatever reason, I had to modularize my essentials into a larger bag, this would serve as a minimalist version of that. Since there are stringent airline restrictions nowadays, I’ve researched and tested what items can fly and assembled them into a small kit (left) that fits inside my Every Day Carry (EDC) Bag.
The three main components making up The Minimalist, is the main compartment, an imitation Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizer I picked up overseas, a spray-painted black Altoids tin, and a black Witz ID holder waterproof case.
Closed, the Minimalist is packed tight as a drum, but stows nicely within my EDC.
Opened, the Mini Pocket Organizer has tons of space to retain easily accessible items, as well as pockets for stowing items deep within.
The layout (below) shows the basic components within the Minimalist.
The David sling is a non-descript way of getting a small-game capability aboard an airline carry-on. I’ve used this since I was a boy and it requires skill to hit a rabbit or squirrel at 20 paces away. Along with snare line, these two methods will still be challenging, but supplemental to the mini-fishing kit inside the Altoids tin.
I use the ID holder for small incidentals that can make living easier, instead of just surviving. Some meals require salt, pepper, herbs, or spices.
There are Band-Aids, 2X2 Gauze pads, Alcohol prep pads, wet naps, as well as a packet of instant coffee.
The Altoids tin (below) lay-out includes a list of the contents.
There are still a few more items I’d like to add to the Altoids tin, which include the ESEE Izula Gear Navigation and Survival Card Sets, a micro glow stick, and the micro Sparkwheel Fire Starter (below):
Other additions could include a star chart, train and shipping routes, and water navigation aids.
The number of helpful items in one small, convenient package are limited only by your imagination.
Thanks. Some good ideas for me to apply. I’ve never thought of star charts or navigation routes. Where would you recommend to get a handy star chart for easy carrying?
I’ve found a few navigation routes by searching the images portion of Google. Since I cross both the Atlantic and Pacific, I concentrated on both of those individually, and would consider adding to that should my travels take me there. There are detailed versions available, but I chose overlaying more simple airline and sea shipping lanes for each ocean.
The star charts are still something I’m very much a novice at: two friends on this blog sat me down one night years ago and taught me more about stars than I wanted to know… For starters, an astronomy class, book, or hemisphere wiz wheel are a good start… Then understanding how to see those same things on a small card would be easier after some training on the larger items you are less likely to have on you.
I really like the ESEE Navigation and Survival cards, I still want to get sets for every family member!
Thank you much!
It’s been a long time since Skip’s written on the blog.
Thanks, Chris! This weekend I’ll be photographing my EDC bag and all its contents. I’ve made adjustments to it based on climate and more recent acquisitions. I’ve added a few new things to the altoids tin that I’ll cover in my next essay as well.
My EDC is not beyond my arm’s reach as the Chinese Curse descends upon us: “May you live in interesting times!”
I maintain water in my Nalgene for every simple little jaunt, it’s the small things you don’t want to have to deal with when the SHTF, because then they become very big things!
In the future, I also have a kid’s EDC (and how to keep them from losing the contents all over their room!) As soon as I figure that out, I’ll publish it!
You need to come to the forum and see the activity in the EDC sub-forum.
LOL! Ok.
Love this bag which I am trying to copy. I am able to find things on amazon where you labled items or mention them in the blogs text. Could you lable the last “altiods contents” picture or list the contents in the text or a comment.
I am also waiting for your kids version to see if I can incorporate it into my cub scout activity.
Thanks for sharing!
Certainly, inside the Altoids is a small red balloon, Tiny fishing kit that includes a few spare hooks, and 25 ft of fishing line in the red straw, Rite-in-the-Rain paper, a Space pen refill, two magnets, a glue stick, petroleum jelly, Neosporin, sodium bicarbonate, and water purification tablets, all sealed inside drinking straws… color coded or sized so as to avoid confusion. I keep an eyeglass cloth, as well as a few longer lead lines that would work as small game snare line. I have eye drops, as well as a field-stripped tampon to serve either as a dressing or as tinder if I could not find anything dry.
My next essay will include the additional items I’ve added since I wrote this one.
For my three teens, I’m going to try to standardize their bags, but each of them have their own unique style and preferences, so I’m going to have them help me write it… maybe even a question and answer session?
Still trying to guess what the lime green item is next to the red balloon. I am assuming your fishing kit is wrapped in the square foil. What is your preferred way to seal the straws?
I love the pictures – really help to pack it up!
I have the fishing kit in the red straw (could serve as a bobber), the safety pins and paper clips go in the green straw.