Mr. Rose has produced a brilliant video on how the Constitution enables the legalized theft of your time and wealth, The former especially if you withhold the latter. -BB
This extractive power is UNLIMITED in the original document. By the tenth anniversary of the ratification of this regrettable document, the taxes levied on excises, land, homes, slaves and document was well under way as established law. Later to be rubber stamped by the “independent” Federal judiciary.
I urge you not to take my word for it nor that of the eminent Mr. Rose. Read the Constitution. Read the Anti-Federalist papers. Read the Articles of Confederation. Ignore anything you see on the television; as a matter of fact, cut off your cable or satellite immediately.
Here is my challenge to every one of my readers: prove me wrong. Show me that the Constitution lost its way and it was originally a blueprint for limited government. Good luck, you will need it.
And as a a corollary to this investigation, answer this innocent question: what government in Western history has ever limited its power and grown smaller and weaker over time?
Government is never the solution, it is always the problem. -BB
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